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Apr 28, 2022

Electronic game design

Electronic game design

Game design and development is a great outlet for creative expression, and you should be proud, as it is a massive undertaking, if you decide to give it a try.

Video game design is a competitive field with different career paths, there are many ways to become a video game designer, each of which requires a certain level of education and experience.

Knowing what a video game designer does and how to become one can help you decide if this is the right career for you.

In this article, we explain the duties of an electronic game designer, give steps on how to become one and provide different educational paths for entering this profession.

Electronic game design

An electronic game designer develops visual content for games, using graphic design techniques and programming knowledge to create interactive characters, worlds and stories, and one of the main responsibilities of an electronic game designer is to create visually attractive content that attracts the user.

Designers typically work closely with a team of developers, writers, animators and testers to build a successful game, and they may also meet with sales and marketing partners to develop ads for games.

Video game designers can work on specific aspects of a game or focus on general content. There are many types of games a designer can create, including:

  • console games
  • mobile games
  • computer games
  • Online multiplayer games

How to become an electronic game designer

There are many ways to become a video game designer, but here are some common steps you can take to work in this field:

  • Get a high school diploma.
  • Get a bachelor's degree.
  • Get experience.
  • CV building.
  • Learn new skills.
  • Get experience

Video games are a competitive field, so it's important to gain experience once you graduate. You may find a job as a junior designer right after college, although it is likely that you should look for similar job opportunities in related fields.

 Jobs as a graphic designer, animator, and software developer are all positions that can help you gain experience and build a portfolio.

Alternatively, you can volunteer or gain self-directed experience by developing mini games yourself, so look for volunteer opportunities where you can practice your design and programming skills. There are also many videos and tutorials online that can guide you through creating small scale games.

CV building

A well-written resume and attractive work history can make you a more attractive candidate for hiring managers. When creating your resume, add your experience and any projects you've worked on, and if applicable, mention any specific games you've designed, the platform, software, and coding languages ​​you've used.

In the Skills section of your resume, include the design software and programming languages ​​you know, as well as any soft skills you possess, such as communication and teamwork.

Your previous work experience is an excellent way to showcase all your skills and experience to an employer. In your portfolio, you can add:

  • Game screenshots
  • Link or upload to the game level
  • Videos of how to play
  • Games review
  • Link to demo reel
  • background programming

Within your portfolio, you can also include a personal resume, work experience, and additional achievements, and it should reflect your unique design qualities and personality.

Learn new skills

You should continue to learn and develop new skills and abilities as you build your career in video game design. With software languages ​​and markup languages ​​constantly evolving, it's important to stay current in order to be a leader in your field.

You can read industry news and blogs to learn about the latest trends and practice the skills you have to constantly improve.

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